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Application - Ludovic (Denied)

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Application - Ludovic (Denied) Empty Application - Ludovic (Denied)

Post  Ludovic Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:53 pm

*Note - I sent my other application early, this one is my final application*
In game name: Ludovic
Class: Earthguard, Seeker
Current Level: 92 (almost 93)
Other characters on Harshlands (names, levels, and guilds): None, all low level alts (Do NOT play them anymore)
When do you play and how long: Weekdays - Daily, 2pm-10pm. Weekends, all day (morning - night)
Languages you speak: English (a little Spanish)
Age: 17
Tell us about yourself: Robby, 17, highschool senior, joined Perfect World in hopes of finding a decent online game, which it's more then decent. I play for fun, just trying to find my end game faction since 100 is right around the corner for me. I fc daily, and multiple times.

Build - Pure strength. 3 str, 2 dex per level. Once i hit 155 dex, i capped it. Now its 5 str per level.

Change the color of the link to yellow or insert random spaces when posting to make it work: GEAR -> h_ttp:_//_pwcalc.com._/2f16d5a7c59_98f49_ (UNDERSCORES are added)

Same gear used for TW's.

Are you demon or sage? Sage
Do you you have any special demon/sage skills you think we should know about? Currently acquiring sage skills. So far I have Rock Splitting Cleave. (trying to find Sage Vortex)

What plans do you have gearwise for the next two months? Rank 8 gear, 3 sockets ~ Immac citrines, +5. Nirvana Weapon +10.

Territory Wars
On what days are you generally able to attend TWs:
Friday: yes
Saturday: yes
Sunday: yes
Do you have Ventrilo: yes
Do you have a mic: yes
What is your Territory War experience: Used to TW on my archer. Been to countless TW's.

Current and previous factions: Archer was in AfterLife before I quit her to focus on seeker.
Name of previous factions and the reason you left/were kicked: Left to start Seeker.
Have you applied to any other factions past 4 weeks? No.
If yes, why should we still consider you: I haven't.

Do you know someone in Absinthe who told you to apply? I know shnny, and chaos. I've bugged them outside west before. Several times at that.

Do you agree to faction rules:
https://absinthe.forumotion.net/t2-rules-and-regulations *OF COURSE*


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Application - Ludovic (Denied) Empty Re: Application - Ludovic (Denied)

Post  ColdEP Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:20 pm

Application - Ludovic (Denied) DGFGDH

Thank you for applying to Absinthe.

As it is said here we recruit seekers at 100+.

Female Posts : 102
Join date : 2012-03-09
Age : 33
Location : Netherland

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