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Application - Whalesicle (Denied)

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Application - Whalesicle (Denied) Empty Application - Whalesicle (Denied)

Post  whalesic Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:39 pm

In game name: Whalesicle
Class: Assassin
Current Level: 101
Other characters on Harshlands (names, levels, and guilds): MrItchBals, 93 barb, no guild right now [not sure, haven't played in a while]
When do you play and how long: I play alot and for a decent amount of time, finals are this week so i won't be on as much as usual. That being said summer vacation is on its way.
Languages you speak: English
Age: 15
Tell us about yourself:
I hope you have read this far, because I know i wouldn't get in because of my gear/level etc. However, why would i have wasted my time making an application if I didn't think that you should accept me?

Here are 10 reasons why you should accept me into Absinthe:

As a player, I am:
1. smart
2. kind to those who are kind to me
3. respect those who deserve it
4.know my place
5. skillful

As a person, I am:
1. smart
2.kind to everyone, regardless of their actions against me
3. respectful to those who deserve it
4. know my place [I'm a freshman in Highschool. You do not survive without this skill]
5. likable

Build and gears
Post your exact stats and gears using PWcalc.com. DO NOT add any buffs except passives!
Change the color of the link to yellow or insert random spaces when posting to make it work:
http ://pwcalc.com/09c2ca8128285463
I also have R8 +8 with 2 G8's in them
If you would use different gears in TW, please post a second URL using PWcalc.com.

Are you demon or sage?
Do you you have any special demon/sage skills you think we should know about? Sage BP and Dagger devotion as well as others: stealth, slipstream, etc..
If you are a veno, do you have a nix and/or herc? n/a

What plans do you have gearwise for the next two months? What are yours?

Territory Wars
On what days are you generally able to attend TWs:
Do you have Ventrilo: yes
Do you have a mic: yes
What is your Territory War experience: TW with Kylin, Mayhem.

Current and previous factions: Kylin, EXTINCT, BankaiGOD, Mayhem
Name of previous factions and the reason you left/were kicked:
Kylin: Have not left yet. But unfortunately, I believe that it is dying. I am trying to do what I can to save it, but no one seems to want any help from a non-officer, so I hoped to join you guys, for reasons which I will adress later on.

EXTINCT: Made this faction with my friends [all of whom are now in Absinthe], we are friends in RL and then we decided to shell our faction and move on with the game.

BankaiGOD: Syntheros = poon city. I left.

Mayhem: No one PVP'd ever, so I left.

Have you applied to any other factions past 4 weeks? negative.
If yes, why should we still consider you: n/a

Do you know someone in Absinthe who told you to apply? frenchfry [ben], Firebreath [andy], MrItchyBalls [cam]

Do you agree to faction rules: yes

Additional information (voluntary)
Is there anything you feel is relevant for us to know?

Although my gear/level is not up to snuff at the moment, I can make it that way. I am ready to become an elite member of this server! I look forward to hear your accept/denial, and if it is a denial, I would like to hear what i can do to become and Absinthe grade player.


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Application - Whalesicle (Denied) Empty Re: Application - Whalesicle (Denied)

Post  Guest Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:09 pm

Moved to Votings ~ This may take up to several days

If there is anything you would like to add, please reply here. Thank you.


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Application - Whalesicle (Denied) Empty Re: Application - Whalesicle (Denied)

Post  whalesic Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:12 am

sorry, forgot to update pwcalc, but not much has changed. Just +5 on boots and bracers. Not sure how important that is, but yea.


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Application - Whalesicle (Denied) Empty Re: Application - Whalesicle (Denied)

Post  Guest Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:12 pm

Application - Whalesicle (Denied) Denied10

No sins period. If you would like to focus on your barb to level and gear to bring in faction that would be the best.


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