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Application - Furunanii (Accepted)

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Application - Furunanii (Accepted) Empty Application - Furunanii (Accepted)

Post  Furunani Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:18 am

In game name: Furunanii
Class: Cleric
Current Level: 101
Other characters on Harshlands (names, levels, and guilds): Ariguela (factionless), HatsunemiQ (Insanity)
When do you play and how long: i have been playing for almost full 3 years on Harshlands
Languages you speak: Finnish, English
Age: 20
Tell us about yourself:

Build and gears
http: http://pwcalc.com/bbc0d02ba4d39d11
pwcalc is bugged with r8recasts my hp atm is 5.5k and pdef 6.1k stats on my recasts r following:

top (wich still needs a try to make better)
Str +10
Dex +11
Vit +9

Mag +9
Vit +11
MP recovery +8

MP recovery +8
Reduce phydamage taken +2%
Mag +1

Are you demon or sage?
I am sage and here is list of my sage skills:
Plume Shell
Plume Shot
Celestial Guardians Seal
Wellspring Surge
Siren's Kiss
Ironheart Blessing
Wield Thunder
Spirit's Gift
Chromatic Healing Beam
Chromatic Seal
Silent Seal
Metal Mastery
Dimensional Seal

What plans do you have gearwise for the next two months?
Next plan for gear is r8 recast wep, than better cape and some refines I think i can manage these in 2 mnths. After that I will start working on my r9 pieces.

Territory Wars
On what days are you generally able to attend TWs:
Friday: yes
Saturday: yes
Sunday: yes
Do you have Ventrilo: yes
Do you have a mic: yes
What is your Territory War experience:
9 mnths TW on Crimson. few TWs on Stalkers but that was long time ago.

Current and previous factions: now factionless, before that was in Crimson before Crimson, Stalkers and some little factions
Name of previous factions and the reason you left/were kicked: I left Crimson coz they dont respect theyr loyal memebers.
Have you applied to any other factions past 4 weeks? not
If yes, why should we still consider you:

Do you know someone in Absinthe who told you to apply?
FoosYu told me to apply, also Roselight_ is my friend for long time.

Do you agree to faction rules: yes

Additional information (voluntary)
Is there anything you feel is relevant for us to know?
I am rly active and online everday atleast for dailys. Im helping my guildies as much as i can. I am an loyal member I do my gbqs and respect and listen to officers. Im from Finland and i moved to Netherlands last december there for i have some vacations (like 2-3 times a year for 1-2weeks) in Finland when i cant be online but i hope that doesnt matter so much :3
ty for ur time!

~ cheers Furunanii


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Application - Furunanii (Accepted) Empty Re: Application - Furunanii (Accepted)

Post  ColdEP Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:18 am

Moved to Votings ~

Be aware it can take up to several days.

Female Posts : 102
Join date : 2012-03-09
Age : 33
Location : Netherland

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Application - Furunanii (Accepted) Empty Re: Application - Furunanii (Accepted)

Post  ColdEP Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:28 am

Application - Furunanii (Accepted) Moke_chibi_angel_by_tussien-1

Please contact an officer for invite.

Female Posts : 102
Join date : 2012-03-09
Age : 33
Location : Netherland

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