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Absinthe Overview

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Absinthe Overview Empty Absinthe Overview

Post  Guest Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:57 pm


- All new recruits must be level 100+

- Since we are a TW oriented faction, all members are expected to participate regularly in this weekly activity (Fri-Sun).

- Members of faction should be active, playing daily or every few days, and only placing their main account in our faction.

- Members are expected to participate in faction activities & events, uphold faction rules, utilize Ventrilo and the Absinthe forums on a regular basis.

- Members must keep faction information confidential, and treat each other with respect. If a problem arises between faction members, we expect the situation to be handled in an adult manner, involving officer assistance if necessary. We do not tolerate drama or troublemakers.

- We strive to help our members grow in level, strength, knowledge of the game and as PvP'ers.

- We are a RPK faction.

If you have any questions about guild rules & regulations, or need further assistance, please contact a Absinthe officer.


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